Halton Police - Oakville, Ontario

Warning: Some of the content can be disturbing, but needs to be known. There is a lot of reading and understanding and links to read. What they are doing is NOT ok regardless of what you might of heard or believe. I had enough and what my investigation turned up. No one should misuse their authority because they can. This first page is just for you to ask questions, but the story link below is to tell you what’s going on and how to avoid it unless you wish to expose it. An investigative team years ago checked on Police in Florida, USA on bad behaviors with regard to the subject below. It is now being taught in Ottawa and needs to be corrected.

What should you do when the police are engaged in misconduct or abuse of their position?

Questions to think about...

What should you do when the police are engaged in misconduct or abuse of their position in the community?

What would you do if you found the police targeting minority communities?

What the best way to expose police misconduct?

What would be your reaction when they misuse the media to create false stories to secure themselves prestige? Then comment on them to give themselves positive feedback!

How would you feel if its your community is being targeted for no logical reason other then discrimination but they try to justify it?

Should you be afraid because of their position in the community?

How would you feel when someone makes up false stories targeting people?

How would you feel if the police tamper with evidence or deliberately mislabel evidence to win?

How would you feel being manipulated by the police, should you give it back?

How would you feel if the police are engaged in dirty tricks?

Would you feel violated by police going through your things? Especially without a warrant issued at the time?

What should you do if you go through steps to get evidence then have it turned around on you?

Should they apologize for behaviors not becoming of their positions?

Should senior staff be held responsible?

Should the officers be fired?

So think…. What if?

Well your local police are engaged in doing these things, but its hushed up. Here is the story of what one branch is doing. Halton has been targeting the LGBT community with a child scam and they where caught at it. However they reversed the situation and the court ignored all evidence pointing to adults. But in the end the Crown Lost

What your about to read is about protecting yourself from people who think they can do what every they want to you and try to hide behind a subject that they know individuals are emotional about. In particular the Halton sex “crime” unit are engaged in dirty tricks, be aware others are doing this too like Brampton. What is far worse was that the police academy in Ottawa are teaching officers to bend and break rules targeting innocent people by using manipulation and dirty tricks. This officer was trying to get a good grade by luring and entrapping people on the internet with help from other officers. They felt they can target the LGBT community with no basis or justification as they had no real investigation or knowledge of any. They where putting profiles on gay app Grindr to be deliberately be sexual. They made sure they put age of 18 and then removing it when speaking to their victims and doing virtual testing, by introduced a lower age after. This has been found illegal from the Supreme court of Canada as privacy is expected and you cannot randomly target people. I knew the first day they where not what they where saying based on my experience, training and technical skills, watching them lie to me as I try to figure out who is behind this awful game. Was it a fellow worker, someone out for kicks, but most likely a vigilante who has a thing for gay people? I do a lot of research due to being victim of catfishing before and had enough. I watched them take advantage of my friendliness. My desire to help people as that is part of my personality because I suffered as a child in many ways and dedicated myself to what I was doing for work. That’s why I talked to them to begin with as this is not illegal as that was brought up in court, so long you don’t step over the line. I even made it clear I was not there for xxx. I was able to use iteas from work to try to get them to understand. Their assumptions was mostly the final downfall for them. But they had a nasty agenda and it was bad and had to be stopped.

Unfortunately there are people who have dirty minds that can/will make things up harming people at work or home that are beyond your control. I was able use my skills to trace their location down with techniques that I developed and read about, later I located where they moved their device to another police station. After THEY arranged a meeting, I was able to physically identify them and TOLD them based on what they where wearing but they choose to ignore it and continued to groom. I knew I am talking to an adult but they didn’t get it. But I needed to know why are they targeting me, as I was doing nothing to warrant this. I dropped hints but they never looked at it from my eyes. Never bothering to check out the stories and not doing research or simply looking at a map. I figured out what they are doing and found it offensive along with targeting my community (We have suffered many police abuses in the LGBT community). They never knew I was certified for online by a course designed by educators and police that helped me identify their grooming techniques, unfortunately the course had homophobic content. They never once thought this was about them and what they are doing and blinded themselves to it.

Nothing stopped them even when I gave them an act of mistreatment or massive lose that I have faced in life as they pushed hard. I was determined to get photos of them and information on what they are doing. I warned them I need someone to trust as I knew what they are doing it was clear they trying to hurt me and other potential victims. While some think it would be easy to just walk away to avoid this, but then it would put others in danger. They tried to charge me with crimes that I am sensitive about and in order to win they cheated by editing content, lying, slander, and collusion making false assumptions, connecting dots that have nothing to do with each other. Big question is how many others they are doing this too? I watched the court ignore me even when I gave true facts and documents as I swore to do. It felt like being raped again but no one wants to listen as people are judgmental and prejudice for the subject mater alone. I almost ended this horror as they restarted so many traumas that I faced in life and it became so much as I was in tears. The court eventually woke up and seen their behaviors (what I been trying to show all along is hurtful). The Crown tried to defend their dirty behavior but the judge opened his eyes and Crown lost. The Judge stated “disgusting police behavior”. So now I am trying to educated people, something they should be doing. My story is here… I need to do some updating but its difficult at this point for me.

My Story about how to protect yourself from online abuse

How Halton Police and others are bending and breaking rules by abusing their authority

This site is dedicated to those who suffer for the police behavior and those who misuse laws to prosecute the innocent

These might be helpful to GLBT community if your an adult, child or parent.

Human rights application for Ontario (in pdf format)

Form 1 - apply Form 2 - respond

Link to Human rights in Ontario


Expect a ridiculously long process

gay Organizations that provide support

Link Glaad


Link to 519 downtown Toronto

Toronto downtown 519 community

Link to Egale


Link to Rainbow Railroad

Rainbow Railroad

Link to The Advocate


Link to Youth Line

Youth line for younger people

Link to Toronto Pflag

Toronto PFlag

Link to Pride Toronto

Pride Toronto