Protect LGBT Community

No one has the right to make someone a target, Officer was told with their other blank profile what my terminology of younger means but they ignored it.

My goal at the time was just to talk to people as I made it clear right in the beginning. Due to having been catfished in the past and watching online behaviors of various law enforcement organizations I became suspicious after they introduced themselves due to odd behavior from one account after I tapped their profile. This also included comments that followed before and after my encounter with this profile. This was like the third time someone tried a similar scam and I will not tolorate it anymore. I will investigate, identify and gather evidence on the next person who does this scam. I will not walk away until its exposed.

I am fighting a group of officers that have no background in technology applications, school procedures, image editing and photography, child behaviors and how trip charters are done, they try to cast doubt on my abilities. Halton was caught running a scam and they cannot except it that I tried to expose it, instead they turn the situation around . I will never except their story.


As time goes I will post some of the chat logs. Be aware some of the spelling your about to read has been changed due to formating issues and not due my typing.

Introduction 2019 and onward

I conducted and investigation of the Halton police tactics after I caught them running an online scam pretending to be a child targeting LGBT community and found its based on discrimination due to comments. Based on the Halton police statements they are looking for targets. During my counter investigation I and found some very troubling behaviors as they continue to do this for over a year. Since I did not respond to what they are expecting they believed their grooming scam and believed it was working, but little did they know that what they where saying was giving them away. While some people think this is ok due to a false belief, I have very different feelings with regard to what they are doing as this is wrong to target people without evidence or a reason why. This also harms anyone that is looking to help others or those that truely need someone to talk with.

I have been trained in identifying individuals who run vigilante scams along with showing kids how to protect themselves. I have taken many course to make sure I help those that need support. What I found from the Halton Police in Ontario Canada is based along the lines of dating scams but they are particularly targeting the LGBT community on numerous occasions specifically targeting any gay person at first but then older gay people based on thier profiles (Religions have been pushing this idea for a long time about gay people with regard to this subject being spoken about). I will gladly share my information on what you can do to protect innocent people and avoid this. I apologize in advance for my grammar issues and some repeating of points due to my own disabilities. I strongly feel someone should investigate the four officers who were involved, as they did so much damage. What angers me is the fact Halton court system decided to reverse the situation around and ignored everything that I produced as evidence. Instead the Kangaroo Court used theafter the fact comment to ignore all evedence presented; We are going to look at that. Towards the end I finnaly learned why I was being targeted, due to simple wording in my profile and the officers had different meaning to the wording. I will make it clear I will NEVER let preditory police target me or the community.

I also find it unusual that Canada, USA and England profess about human rights but they all violate them every day with behaviors that are very opposite from what they tell the world including their own citizens, as you will see here. I see no alternative but to expose Halton practices. During my interaction with them I was monitoring thier location as they where well aware of it, or at least one of them knew about it. I researched everything they said from many information websites (this was used against me much later) due to my library background. I used all my knowledge and training to identify them as fake catfisher. I also gave them on many occasions to produce real evidence that thier description was real and they failed so many time. I let them lead the conversations in areas I found odd and they actually arranged the locations (They refused to do the ones that I needed to get them on video). I find it very odd they belive that no one will do a counter investigation of Halton officers, and further investigate them after the fact. When you have a case here or there you cannot create a big picture of whats going on, but by continue to watch or review past cases you will get a clear picture of what is going on. In the first part I avoided alot of information questions and saw they tried to use music as a way to gain the real age, these are things that I watched for. Now once I physcially identified them I gave the same nonsense right back to them, and Halton system still does not get it. In most cases I let them lead with grooming techniques. Here is a paraphrased example: I was in my bedroom and my mom caught me (Them). What did she catch you doing (me). Well you know, I thought your smart (Them). Well do not do that (me). The conversation started by Officer Hubert in his attempt to get you to talk about masturbation, this is one example. However I already knew I was talking with an adult, so I was like yea you keep doing this it will look good later. It goes on and on, to the point you get tired of it, then gave what they wanted just to get them to arrange another visit, unfortunately I was not prepared for a blitzkrieg as I tried to get there before they did so I can hide and get them on video (That backfired somewhat but I did get their pictures to prove that they where targeting people). Again some of what I mentoned here will be repeated because it bothers me so much of what going on.

As part of LGBT community I suffered at the hands of society and religion and I know the suffering of today youth with depression, suicidal issues and family issues, as I had to deal with these issues alone. Unfortunately this eventually led to other issues later in life. I did my best in helping as many as I could over the years due to gaining knowledge to help those under my care, however too much paranoia has entered society due to police, politicians and media using fear as a motivation factor. In my years of being on this planet I watched people make up false situations to gain and advantage even when a situation is not what it seems. While some think their goal is honorable I feel its very disappointing and disgusting. These officers and those that support them are unable to see the damage its doing to those that do not have the same belief system, culture, or sexuality.

What amazes me is the fact people can make up stories without realizing their perception is so off base due to their own thinking. In my case I check every fact they were saying and did my research. I also realize it's becoming impossible to stop wrong perceptions due to gang mentality (herd mentality). It should be noted that due to generation issues of each age group and different family beliefs you can come up with a different view. Younger LGBT individuals will be more open in Canada as they might feel it is safe,r older LGBT individuals grew up in a much different time and seen police abuses, family and friend abuses. We also need to consider where you were born and family dynamics and mine had issues.

Here are some local examples just in Canada just to give you an idea of the issues, please review these first with regard to LGBT issues. Some of these are paid links from the papers. This is to help you understand what I am seeing.


Ok lets started

On June 10, 2019 I tapped a profile that came up in a search on Grindr, this also included another 10 individual profiles since I had the paid version. I received no response but found out I was under investigation later for just for doing this, however I was detecting stragne messages that I have never seen before. I was messaged by another blank profile asking what they youngest I would be interested in and I said 18, the response was oh oand no further communication from this blank profile, at the time I did not connect why I was asked. However this question clearly shows they are basicly carding gay people.

This came from the direction of Halton. On June 15th 2019 I saw this profile again online and said hi, I asked the reason why are they there. They responded with unusual comments and they way they typed it. I knew something was wrong but gave them an opportunity to prove who they where. They seriously bombed it due to a lack of knowledge and much later I told them so. Furthermore had very little information in their profile but it came up in a general search. I did not see anything wrong with the profile (named younger curious) until they spoke. The user attempted to say a different age than the profile stated (18) as it changed suddenly. They attempted to claim a different age but the text was not consistent with this age group and it was the third time this happened in the last few weeks. Normally I would warn them and report it after I give information to contact PFlag, and other support groups as I know how it feels needing someone to talk with. However this profile was behaving oddly and facts they were attempting to get across was very strange did not fit. They had no idea of who they where talking with or my training and knowledge.

I decided to investigate this claim and find out who is attempted run this scam as I knew I was being targeted. I felt someone could possibly use my orientation against me as it was in the past, especially on the job. Could this be it? Unfortunately my jobs are filled with storytellers and homophobes, people like to come to the wrong conclusions often without asking whats going on. I also heard many homophobic remarks since I am not the obvious stereotypical person so they didn't know. Many of the remarks were said in private this even included my friends as I don't bring this subject up. This is kind of hard to explain. I also left open briefly to see if they needed assistance until I can make my mind who they where, however, right after their introduction I detected issues with the way they typed, writing style, statement that is not within the context of the claim. The strange unusual interest in me brought intrigue to why this was being done. They followed with statements along the lines of “I bet 60 year olds say they are 40, shit like that. Part of that is prior knowledge and not what someone would normally say for the age they are pretending

So this is what I found

The Halton Police, particularly the ICE (Internet child unit) has been running multiple predatory child scams trying to score brownie points. Targeting adult apps and minorities (particularly the LGBT Community) but hides under the old protecting the community nonsense banner. We hear this often from general police but its a way to misuse their powers. Question is who gave them the authority to target a community when no issue exists? So anyone can do what they want in this location just because they wear officer shield? No doubt there has to be prejudice behind the motivation to go after a vulnerable community. Why are they not targeting a black community, Jewish community, and Buddhist community or even the general community? Because they will not get away with it that’s why, but a LGBT community they will get away with it. Just research any country history with regard to LGBT individuals (and it's still happening)

Halton has been using community applications for entrapping individual as the officer stated. Looking for “targets” in his court statement. The officer in charge was looking for something that does not exist. Sadly you have no idea your becoming a target and found no reason to be one. However Halton aggressive predatory police behavior has been unchecked and by using applications that are designed for adults to try to run scams should not be the behavior of professionalism. The only exception is if they have information beyond a reasonable doubt from many complaints regarding one individual however this was not what they are doing.

Definition from

Preconceived opinion or feeling, either favorable or unfavorable. Unreasonable feelings, opinions, or attitudes, especially of a hostile nature Weirdest thing is why are you focusing on gay sex and not the person, so strange.

So what does the Halton ICE unit engages in? Well various forms of misconduct, by reading this story I hope others will come forward? Personally you should always be wary of police behavior, as it is unchecked. Sadly even after I told them early on that I identified them they ignored the message, and believed the scam was working. Listening (even for a long time) it the best way to figure out what’s going on when you detect odd situations.

Halton has been known to target applications due too a false belief and faulty training. Here is some of information about what they did. They confirmed themselves (as adults) due to behaviors and evidence that they provided and then they fell for a counter plan to expose, verify, and document who they where. I was able to get evidence to locate them way before they arranged a meeting at a semi pubic place (June 26) this is due to the application Grindr location features. My location tracking improved over time as I continued to get them to check messages, This gave the ability of me to keep and eye on them. There where already aware that I knew they were in Oakville and watching them go on a "graduation" trip. I got them to set up a meeting on July 3 (they love using parks or isolated locations) to verify them, they were trying to figure out who they were talking with as i was very vague and didn't trust them. During this time all the conversations where clean except for one comment that they made, however they erased if for the court (They did this before what I call part two -after July 3rd 2019). After they relocated the devices to another police station at 95 oak in Oakville, Ontario Canada (part 2) it was easy to find where they where since the application is location based. Funny they where aware of it of it as it seemed. possibly due to a few officers running the scam. Later I refined my skills to do a process of elimination to get them withing a few thousand feet.

I already previously researched information about this police force weeks and days before the actual meet up. I let them led in every situation until I finally received evidence that would be classified "beyond a reasonable doubt", prior to that date they provided evidence that they where fake. For instance that bombed the 50 age test (By mentioning this age you will get you ignored on this app which contacted began) but they were ok with it which set off alarm bells as this is the second issue (The court reverse my questioning and used it backwards). Then they made another big mistake by making a statement I mentioned above with regard to different age groups. They gave me a false story about why they did not want to send an identification photos, I caught it right away and gave them an opportunity to send one with out a face. I easly could of did a reverse photo lookup but knew they couldn't answer some statements i posed to them. This they were targeting older gay people and have prior knowledge. Mostly on this app (Grindr) there are some serious issue when talking to people after certain age, especially on everyday subjects. This is actually a big problem within the LGBT community. Part of the problem with Halton is the fact they trying to use a “hook up” app to lure people in. In some cases people are just looking to chat as I was about everyday things.

What Halton police officers don’t understand is the fact that other people will have much more experience and training and can detect minor behaviors that are not seen to the general audience. A few days after they sent photos of a "graduation trip" they sealed their fate and they had no idea that they made a big mistake. I will put that chat image up later. However the court ignored this fact since they are pro police (This will be posted later).

In the next four plus weeks after they where told that I knew who they were. I was able to gathering information on how they behave, which was pretty bad as they kept pushing sexually suggestive statements, funny they didn’t like it given back to them (they didn’t know that I knew I was talking to adults because he ignored the fact that I told him that I was watching for them). I played their game with twists and untruths while I tried to educate them about terminology used in LGBT culture this also included hints and about prior abuses that I suffered and watched them take advantage of it.

I tried to get them to show up in public on two occasions after failed to get them on video or in a photo (something I forgot to do at the first meeting). The first hint was trying to get them to show up at a place that was a 9-minute walk to the local police stations on Bronte and QEW which was 12 miles away, and of course they didn’t get it (July 8). The second one was at the mall (Square One)(July 12) that they said they where going, which was funny as they tried every excuse to get out of it. I laughed, as I knew you couldn’t show up unless they have the ability to change bodies. At that time they gave me the evidence I needed to protect myself that was beyond reasonable doubt. This was a bad tampered with photo that had the Meta data removed. This would be too complicated for being the age they tried to promote. There would also be no reason to do this, as the officer admitted that he has done this to avoid his information. Officer Hubert always had an excuse to my questions, such as why are you always staying up late (One day I sent them a message every hour to see when they where on) and the reply was “schools out”. Good excuse as it will cover their story. However the court thru this out too, saying its after the fact, no it was not after the fact especially when I told them to go in front of a mirror and prove it. Of course they couldn’t and again made an excuse. The officer have no way of making a counter stories to my questions, everything else I tried he had a logical statement to counter it.

Back to the beginning

The first big problem was getting them on video as I was concentrating on verifying who they where at the first meeting, in their eyes they where trying to id me. I already knew basically who they where but it was shocking to see them do this targeting a minority community that suffered from this profession (law enforcement). They had no idea of who I was and they needed identification as I kept the chat clean (to their disappointment) they tried to hide in unmarked vehicles and I am aware of this. Halton has a tendency to use SUV and pickups that are red or black in colour, Toronto mostly uses family cars, however most of them have dark tinted windows to hide who is inside the vehicle. On a side note other locations you're not allowed to have tinted windows beyond 20 percent so other drivers and officers can see who is in the car.

What the Halton police office did not know I was hiding and observing them. They stated that they got surprised while I waited few minutes on the curb, to see what they where going to do. But the court said they id me sitting there and ignored what I seen. Basically because it will show I was not talking to adults, however I was watching and did observations on the outer edge of the meeting location. I also used the location data. I already told them I was nervous to go there as I knew they were not real, but that was cut from the chat text. Due to some friends years ago (Thanks Mathew and Greg) who taught what to look out for when dealing with cat-fishers and others who use suspicious unmarked vehicles with dark windows. Towards the end I eventually got them to expose themselves in person (They thought their fake story did it) after they rejected hints and warnings (i even told them how to shut the location data off). however due to them speeding into the 2nd park location I was unable to hide from them again. I watched them go through my vehicle and then watched as they reverse the situation and story. I was amazed they had no idea that I knew as they arrested me thinking they caught someone. Its crazy when you tell them “you” over and over again, to the point you get frustrated. "I told them I needed someone to trust" as I was aware of what they are doing. However the drama continued as I watched and listened. I had a chuckle when I heard them in another room being so surprised after they learned what I did for work (They sent an image of what I do for work and lied which killed their story very early). Once they learned my background they should have figured that they have problems. But they kept pushing and eventually I ended the conversation that I was a “lonely 50 year old”. By the way I am not 50, I left that in there as a way for someone to notice I am sending a signal to people that I know this is fake.

During the interview chat they avoided letting me get lawyer as I expressed I was not satisfied by talking to an unknown person in a closet over an unsecured phone. They avoided letting me speak to a consulate that could have provided me information as this is part of the Geneva Convention. But the police do what ever they want. I kept saying you, you, you and the lack of their training with regard to LGBT community, abuse and other issues. But they kept insisting and brought up the scenario that he (Hubert) believed what was going on. I gave up and you can see the frustration from me and they still did not realize I knew. I left them with multiple hints in my messages during the cat fishing event as mentioned above. Even telling them I can see them online and where they are but to no avail. I also made sure he heard that this was his perception of the situation not mine and I get nothing out of it as he had the wrong idea. Worse part is the fact they did no research on many of things I was telling them, Even though I know they where fake I still researched everything that they said. It is amazing after all the hints and twists that I gave them, I sat back and watched this show, I don’t want to give all the hints away as it will make the officers better at the scam they are doing. They did fix some behavior that they were doing however I still caught them targeting the LGBT community over and over again (4 more times that I am aware of). Sadly because they are "looking for targets" as Mr. Hubert stated.

Dear Public what to look

Public should be made aware of this as variations of this scam, it's based on many online dating app scams with a twist. We know scammers are about getting money or information on individuals, however in this case they are trying to create crime when none existed. Scam information can be found in many online videos and websites that the public should review. However since police can do what ever they want (Quoted from an officer in the past) with out ramifications they get away with misbehavior. In this case they clearly violate the terms of service of various applications since rules don’t apply to them. When you sign up for the application you agree to abide by them. For instance Halton was in violating the rules of a Gay app called Grindr to specifically looking for targets and not because they have any justifiable reason such as a multi reports of possible issues but seems their goal is entrap people as mentioned previously. If you read the conditions of Grindr and KIK (the other app they used) you will find violations of policy. The police also have no idea about copyright uses of images as they violated this on numerous times, however this is the minor issue compared to harassing the LGBT community and looking to target people.

Big question is why would you target a minority that’s been abused by police around the world to the point most LGBT individuals (along with people of different races or economic ability) don’t trust police due to behaviors that are not expectable. When targeting a community for no logical reason it comes down to internal resentment or dislike of a community that offends someone or because they had issue(s) in their own life. Another possibility such as religious brain washing could of accrued as it was done to me. This is also a form of control over people.

Part of why they are doing unscrupulous behavior is the fact it makes the police look good as mentioned but is that the real case? The police seem to believe that they have the right to control people and know that they can simply make things up because of unchecked authority. The police will also play on the public’s fears. Funny this is the fact the police created the situation to begin with. You can find much of this information on the web from reliable sources as they information manipulate the public when they give little facts or they will releasing something discriminating against a person.

Most of their information is based on assumption and they presume the situation because of their ideas, we have no knowledge of what others are planing. Everything I seen is based on fact, listening and observations with questions. For instance someone might know they are being targeted as I did after a few questions (due to unusual situations) or the target has no idea (E.g. A boss, fellow worker, people you work with and so forth) because the person that is doing the targeting could have a perception based on their knowledge/fear and/or upbringing as in this case. The Officers dont bother to ask about the situation from the person being targeted but only focused on information gathering questions. I was able to detect this during the first part (June 15 to July 3, 2019) and avoided many of those type of questions. I seen this at work quite a few times and was told I have to watch other peoples perception. But I have no control over someone who have different perception, because I do not know what they are thinking. I bet everyone can think of examples in your own lives.

People will target individuals because they do not like how you act, speak, look and so forth, as this is common. Everyone has different upbringing, even within the same community. It is very hard to say or use terms such as a reasonable person would act. Based on who and what their upbringing? Have they faced abuse or neglect? Where they exposed to certain type of situations? Do they lack knowledge or other issues? These items should be considered when dealing with different types of people.As in my case I did not give them what they wanted until I identified them with location searches and help by them. The officer didnt even have a clue that they where being investigated.

In my case I made sure they knew I had no bad intentions as I will never harm anyone. I seen this scam before and waited for conformation of who they where trying to be. However they failed so many times with fake reasoning, fake information and the lack of knowing procedures within their story. Little did they know I had much more advanced knowledge about what is going on. Also be aware that if you have any of these words mentioned above within a profile you become and automatic target for police to do an investigation for no apparent reason other then saying hi or send them a HI icon.

What Halton is doing is abuse of power and can be dangerous for anyone. Simply by putting a word (that Police decided what is bad or suspicious based on their own thinking) in a paper, text chat, video, message board, search term on the web and so forth. The police will use their terminology and meaning to a word or statements with out considering it could have a different meaning to others. I had this experience before where I made a mistake capitalize one letter in the word (the letter T) in a profile that I made. The person who I was talking with thought I was selling Tina, which is a drug as I found out. I had no idea they mistook a mistake for meaning of something else. I had no intentions of selling anything or even knowing what it was. So they made a false presumption based on their knowledge and I learned something new.

Now the police will not ask directly what any term means but keep hedging around it vaguely. Part of their manipulation is to get you to come around to their meaning or idea that they seek. I had no idea what their goal was at first but figured it out later. If they ask directly they will try to hide this later on if needed for court especially if your answer is not what the officer is seeking (reiterating this point). This is where they are using dual accounts (devices) and switching profiles, so be aware of that too.

Most individuals in the general public are not aware when your talking to people online that something is wrong with the situation. Only way to indicate this is a scam comes when you speak with them (hopefully) and detect this in chat. In this case I was able to detect information and behaviors that was false. However you need to know what to look for and the general public will not be generally be aware of this. This is why you need knowledge and experience or do a lot of research and get proof. Otherwise its best to report the profile or block them, however if you block them another person can fall victim. Remember evidence can also be faked such as photos, so make sure you do a reverse photo search. If your more experienced you can look at other aspects of a photo. In my case I had courses in photography and Photoshop along with my love of photography and that helped a lot, this was also ignored by the court.

When it comes to behaviors being trained to identify specific traits including actions and situations comes from experience, however the Halton police need to rely on training by other staff to learn how different age groups behave as they did a poor job. I also believe that law enforcement training should come out of their own pocket to pay expenses for training. As they like to quote on their press releases that a government grant helps them. Every other profession has to pay for their own courses the majority of the time. If they do not have specific courses you can lose a position or be denied upgrades in pay and positions. This will make the police to think twice before misbehaving. I still think its odd that the Halton police had no idea that they where the ones being investigated due to their lying. For the police, never think people will not investigate you when something odd and the officers where not expecting this. I am not a fan of police since I seen bad things they are capable of.

This is why the CRA or dating scams are so successful since most people are not trained to detect a scam. We have to understand that some people fall for this type of scam easily, while others might know its fake right away. Other will want to investigate such scams or might have had some very bad past experiences that require verification. You can even see the CRA post warning on their webpages along with banks, package delivery companies and such. Part of why we fall so easily is fear, desperation, loneliness and other conditions.

The questions... Why are the police now the Word checkers and the Courts forcing ideas on people

In a sense the police are now the word police (later the court has become the "thinking" police. Now they are telling YOU what your thinking by ignoring what you been speaking about) akin to the CIA or KGB, this now gives them the right to question any individual for no logical reason other than saying hi or wording with in a profile. The police also have a tendency to use another profile(s) to ask questions such as what the age of interest or attempt to gather information. Does this sound familiar? We see this on dating apps as individuals try to get information from a target. In this scam the police will try to convince the person that they are of a fake age as stated in text chat or a profile that is very vague. This is called a switch up; first the police lure passively and switch up on the user information. They target adult applications instead of application that have children such as Fortnite. The officers did such a bad job of this I didn't even need to ask about verifying age as it was so obvious to me due to training, however this might not be possible to an average person.

Remember the web is designed for adults and adult behavior that can be odd at times. When you buy devices for the little guys you created a big problem in many ways. I had to deal with this problem so many times with regard to this it became its sickening. One of the biggest problems is the parents or other adults that buy smartphones for little ones. The little ones find ways to figure it out things while the adults do not. If you need to keep track of your little ones just get them a simple flip phone, they cannot do much except phone calls. Would you get a 4 year old a brand new electric drill with a drill bit attached and plug it in? Then tell them go play with it? I hope not!

Again the Only way you can detect this scam if your trained to identify something amiss during the chat such as photos, behavior, misspellings, information gathering questions and avoiding your questions or answering them not correctly, location or other types of behavior. The problem is that it might take a while to identify who is doing this or you may never find out. Even if you're good at it you still can get tricked. Especially when you get messages your account been locked by a company from spam mail as it looks so real.

The Hiding

I am mentioned this again if you answer correctly of what the officer is seeking (approved age) they will take note but will hide this evidence in court. In my case they where told that 18 as that is the minimum required to be on the application. The next trick they like to do is to suggest you speak to them on another app (they have reasons to do this). The police want you to look like you're asking them what their usernames is but in reality they want you on a text app such as KIK or Snapchat or any other text base or social media app. In my case they made sure I go to this application (KIK) because this is part of the scam. This gives them the ability to edit the chat later as they did. Removing anything that shows hesitation or would put them in a bad light.

So you should look for Hints. look at the usernames if their something amiss start doing research by using tools that look up user names and reverse photos searches. This is one of the things I did right away and detected the username as to advanced along with the fact no information came up. One application I did forget to review came later, which was Facebook. I did a in depth search there after I read catfishers also go to the extent to make fake backup profiles. Next the officer will ask for your username or guide you to give up information by using suggestive statements. However most people will ask out of courtesy or want to just chat. The officer will find a way to generally push to get you onto the app. This is part of their information gathering and evidence tampering tricks. I used this to investigating their claims and found them to be fake, but still had no idea why they where targeting me.

I ran multiple online checks of the username and actual name they used. Just the username alone gave away and I knew I was talking to an adult but the question at the time was who and why. I looked at all possible scenarios was it fellow worker that didn't like me or someone who had a hard time with being around gay people. I had to find out who is doing this. One thing you should note is the fact that catfishers (Halton police) like to get your username(s) later they will release to the public but they do not release theirs, this is part of their manipulation they use to the public. Since I had no trust in them I gave them a fake name and age as this is part of Internet safety 101. What they did not know is the fact I have been trained by an organization that uses police information along with educators to expose what they think is going on. This is the first time I ever seen someone use this in reverse. There are ways to check on fake username through online searches. I also watch them use adult keywords in describing themselves such as "smooth". This terminology is used by adults. My research found officers making this comment online as the reason why people supposedly "go after" youth. However they are seriously missguided, a lot of the issue is about difficulties in life situations that can cause these this problem. But again no one is doing research to confirm this.

One strong recommendation for users is to look at the rules of the applications and security features. For instance not saving /holding the text between the same profile while you're speaking with the user. Some issues actually came from security features such as found on an application KIK. Be aware of different features of each application. For example on KIK if you upgrade or switch different devices your text is lost. This will give the police an advantage as they will check your device (with or without a warrant). In my case they checked before they had a warrant as my email was synced. If they find that your missing the text chat the police will present and edited version to the court, and it is very difficult to prove it, however in my case I had enough proof but.... Be aware they will say you have no proof unless you know where to find unexplained chat or notice the certain dates are out of sync as I have. Be aware you will also get advise as not to bring this up to the judge as they will look as an "act desperation" so it is a catch 22. This is frustrating me the most out of what going on as i know everything was faked.

Definition of Catch 22

Source Merriam-Webster Dictionary online
Specifically number 2 and 3

1:a problematic situation for which the only solution is denied by a circumstance inherent in the problem or by a rule the show-businesscatch-22—no work unless you have an agent, no agent unless you've worked— Mary Murphyalso:the circumstance or rule that denies a solution
2a:an illogical, unreasonable, or senseless situation
b:a measure or policy whose effect is the opposite of what was intended
c:a situation presenting two equally undesirable alternatives
3:a hidden difficulty or means of entrapment

Also know about KIK and other application will cooperate with police, for example KIK can only save images and video if asked by the court. But a regular user will not be able to get the same treatment. KIK does not save your messages as mentioned above and this will leave you helpless. If you're not sure what you can do try to remain on one application or gear them back to the original application. In this case it was Grindr, so I was able to trace them to their locations by asking them to check messages and this was provided to the court. So whatever application you're chatting on learn about the rules and issues with it. Halton broke the rules of both applications such as Grindr and KIK, they also violated copyright with regard to using a tv show image over and over. I know this as I had a course in copyright infringement an it's a big deal when government or schools misused images and videos. So while the police need to "protect" the community it does not give them the right to target a community or individuals because you "believe" something needs to be checked unless you have lots or reasonable proof.

If you feel something is wrong online then...

Start by making notes of your chat and collected usernames, text chat, pictures and behavior patterns that are not consistent with what they are claiming. For example claiming they own a big house but ask questions and do research on the image and locations. Start doing your researStart by making notes of your chat and collected usernames, text chat, pictures and behavior patterns that are not consistent with what they are claiming. For example claiming they own a big house but ask questions and do research on the image and locations. Start doing your research of the home, contact tax bureau in the local area. Do a public search on the home location and reverse picture lookup. Sadly you can never trust anyone online anymore, and for Internet safety does not tell your name or private information unless it has a purpose or you have full trust in who your talking about. For instance I know on certain applications (the one I was using Grindr) you will be ignored after a certain age and Halton was given the 50 test as mentioned before. This can be used to your advantage to see if they are real based on a pattern of behavior on the application. I was able to use this trick and detect a lie and told them so but their reaction was odd (or should I say fake). Also look for prior knowledge statements and discriminatory text. Again I am mentioning this, as it is very important. For example the officer stated the following (paraphrased)... "I bet 60 year olds say their 40" this is prior knowledge and pointing that they are targeting older males due to a false belief that is based on discrimination. During my conversations that they are not aware that they were the ones being investigated. In one conversation the officer seems to have a personal issue about something was done to them based on the chat. This could be a possible for even thinking that its ok to target the LGBT community over and overch of the home, contact tax bureau in the local area. Do a public search on the home location and reverse picture lookup. Sadly you can never trust anyone online anymore, and for Internet safety does not tell your name or private information unless it has a purpose or you have full trust in who your talking about. For instance I know on certain applications (the one I was using Grindr) you will be ignored after a certain age and Halton was given the 50 test as mentioned before. This can be used to your advantage to see if they are real based on a pattern of behavior on the application. I was able to use this trick and detect a lie and told them so but their reaction was odd (or should I say fake). Also look for prior knowledge statements and discriminatory text. Again I am mentioning this, as it is very important. For example the officer stated the following... 60 year olds say their 40 this is prior knowledge and pointing that they are targeting older males due to a false belief and is based on discrimination. During my conversations that they are not aware of one of the officers seem to have a personal issue about something was done to them based on the chat. This could be a possible reason to target the LGBT community over and over but still not acceptable.

The public should learn how to detect a situation where the user is trying to gain advantage such as obvious behavior we see in some politicians. In this case the police have been using two KIK (app) profiles and possibly more, but remember they can create another one at the slightest moment. Also watch out for an instant profile switch, this means the profile description changed within a second or two after you look at the profile or during conversation. This normally means they are using duel devices for recording information as this was detected. I seen them do that with two profiles.

Remember using unsecured networks especially over Wi-Fi leaves you open for other people to read your personal chat messages or simply have access to your device.Do not feel youre having a private conversation between your and another user it can be read by others by hacking. This includes applications where you can go to private rooms, be aware that the administrators of the application can read text if they so choose too. Keeping your emails on your device is also not a good idea since you might have confidential files from work or private government documents and the like. Just keep one account on your device and simply log into it now and then. I know this would be hard for business people to do this.

In this case the police can later delete information that would show they are the actual ones doing the manipulation, arrangements and tampering with evidence.But who will know? How can you prove it? There are ways but serious scrutiny is required and knowledge to detect this was not easy to come by. One of the problems with judges is the fact most are not caught up on the latest technology, application securities, behaviors within a community and manipulation techniques that police use. However some judges with experience can detect issues but might not accept it because the trust is in their own (the police). Another large problem is the fact we are told to trust the police over and over. They have a job to do and will go through great lengths to get a conviction at allcosts regardless of whom it hurts. You should always be cautious when speaking with them and reveal little unless you have a purpose or you're being manipulated.

So why text apps?

The question is why? Text based apps are easier to download than messages within other type of applications. Be aware it is easier to tamper with text apps so evidence can be deleted easier, this includeds taking out a whole section of chat. What I noticed about the text was they targeted areas that do not have time stamp, such as a lengthy conversation. It is also easier to pull information off phones if they use decoding devices or just going through a device while it is logged in to the network. In this case they just downloaded the devices information to a back up on iTunes. A great way to know this is if you have notifications turned on from your email, location applications, bank accounts applications or other notifications to your devices by Internet. Also if you have an app turned on (at least with Apple) called find my Iphone. You will be required to keep icloud active.

Again in my case I was notified that my email has being synced and you can only do this with an active Wi-Fi or chip set. Since this was not an emergency they had no reason to search before any warrant was issued. This is part of the uncheck authority. This information should be posted for others to be aware of on police websites, including laws and situations to the law.

The screen shots and cheating

One of the things Halton will do is screenshots of chat text, this leads to manipulation (tampering as mentioned), and they will not give the actual device to the judge or to your lawyer.They will not even give your own device back to you after they checked it. The device should be given to the judge and they will be can be able scroll through the text chat to match the printed out material. Bad part with printed out material is the fact you cannot look at the digital fingerprints of each item. Halton does not record the text chat with a video camera (with the time and date turned on) as they go through the chat, because it will cut Haltons advantage of manipulation to win cases. The actual reality is the fact that the police will get away with it and they know it. Worse part is you know they are doing it but must follow your lawyers advice, as they know some of the police tactics. However I will post this here for the public to see how it is done.

The public should also be aware Halton is also using other apps, as you will notice they will not say the apps in press releases because they want to hide what they are doing. It is better for them to keep the public uneducated like every other organization that has control over people. Halton is also tracking peoples web usage so they can target individuals based on web search information, this information can be researched online or found at the end of this story. Misuse of the press will be covered later as its part of manipulation.

The tricks

During the chat they will wait for someone to make sexual remarks first or send dirty pictures and at that point they got you, as they believe your actually buying into the scam, unless you say something or know something from knowledge. Make sure you identify them and tell them in a way. Use your training and/or experiences before you give it back to them. They will also try to get you to acknowledge what they are saying. One of the biggest mistakes officer did was to continue to try to convince me of the fantasy person they where not, this is not the behavior of what they are betraying. Very rarely will some one mention age and go out of their way to keep saying it (I counted 12 times). In reality this age group will not bring it up, especially if the user is aware they are violating terms of service.

They also failed on photos as you can do a reverse lookup with this evidence/hey provided two photos that provided proof beyond reasonable doubt that they are catfishing. Types of text they where using from and how they wrote to respond and the questions gave them away as this was not normal for the age group. I brought this information up in my writings but was ignored and used the old AFTER the Fact reasoning to avoid that I caught this. They also provided statements that where advance beyond the age and I gave them the hint but was ignored. Here are some hints to look for when talking to people; advance knowledge, altered images, playing too dumb and leading questions of subjects that are not normal was a big hints. Believing using standard behaviors such as not working, or saying they go to school is superficial, as this can be investigated. It is the little things that most people are not aware such as interests or foods or knowledge of games and school that they lacked as a give away. Most people who run these type of scams only have a view of law but dont have the knowlege of the other party knowledge and beliefs, This is a major disadvantage for those that do not have this type of training as you can fall victim to what the police are doing. This is why I made sure that they where physically identified before counter mesures where used to gather information and techniques they where using.

However when your doing a counter investigation you cannot tell the police/vigilante all true statements, you have to use a mix of tricks as they are also doing it to you. You basically do what they doing and lie about situations but give them enough to believe you. Part of this is to collect data to be used later, however when you have individual who cannot think outside the box they will turn it around on you since they lack knowledge in important areas as I witnessed.

How do innocent people get entrapped?

However, here is where they cross the line, if the officers do not get what they want they start breaking the rules, and this is where most innocent people fall victim too. They use a technique call suggestive comments or simply know as coaching. First they will start bringing up innuendos subtlety (E. g. sexual comments, alcohol, drugs or any other vise) and bombard their target trying to manipulate them to say thing that can be used against you, however that is a clear violation as many judges have said this. This technique is very affective against the average person, specially if your suffering from other issues. In this case I watched them used some difficulties about abuse being used against me after I told Andrew Hubert. You apologize about it and then delete it in the text chat, really. This shows the character of the Halton police force.

Here is a good example how this can happen with regard to the USA with the election was stolen campaign. Why did so many people fall for this? Well I talked about manipulation by continuing to put out false facts. This is part of the entrapment that judges should notice and be aware of. In my case I saw no evidence of research from the cort Judge (Cooper) who I found out already had a bad reputation. In my case I already told the officer who they where color clothing they wore when they meet their partner at the black SUV (truck) but they could not comprehend it due to an unrealistic belief, again they could not discern that I already knew they where fake.

This is what Halton ICE unit is doing online.

Read this story or search for the information below

Title:Florida police engaged in sex sting entrapment scam – report
Part of a year-long investigation, the Tampa, Florida-based news station 10
Date: 1 Jan, 2015 04:49

As the Police and others continue they will find ways to prey on their target/victim on dating apps. For example: They will use friendliness, to target people who might feel lonely, or have addictions, depression or any other issue and they will take advantage an exploit it. During my gathering of evidence I just watched this behavior as I let them do evey comment and suggestion until I was able to gain evidence beyond reasonable doubt. I watched them push and push with regard to anal sex (go figure gay app, this is about to most straight people think about first).I had to research information related to what they where saying as I had no clue to some of the abuse they where doing but it is a clear violation of human rights.

Eventually I feed it back to them but again they had no idea they where identified and ignored the multiple hints.I was finally able to gain evidence beyond a reasonable doubt and at that point I went after them to get them photographed/videotaped. The purpose of this is to show that they are targeting minorities over and over due to their discriminatory belief system. Due to the long history of police abuse towards the LGBT community no one will believe what was going on until users see this. I refuse to be a target for who I am. I seen this behavior a long time ago and witnessed dirty tricks and fake story telling.

The only way to get them to show

The second meeting was set up by them as the first because they believed I was going after them for what they are portraying themselves.This was for a totally different reason as I needed proff. I asked questions that a real adult would not let someone do and they responded to make things look ok, again not typical behavior. Just so you're aware of this they proudly claimed they made the arrangements in court. Halton actually lead the arrangements, the sexual statements, alcohol pushing and other abuse, I sat back and watched it, however at that point I was dealing with adults. They seem to be unalbe to get this point across.I only led conversations about being abused and difficulties with regard to life and some past situations as a tool and they used this against me in the court hearings. One of the things the court and police do not understand is the fact you can only get the police to show up is by manipulating them back. They created a fake story about grandparents and did the old lure you over trick. I questioned them with some serious questions like why would you be left alone and allowed to have company. No real person would allow that. I was getting tired of listening to them keep bringing up sexual situations I gave it back to them when I had protection proof that they where fake. I finally made them make another arraignment so I can video tape them. I had difficulties comming up with a story of "things to do" and try to get them to come up with ideas. They came up with swimming in a salt pool, never heard of such a thing but let them lure instead. This actually gave me the idea to go and sit in the hot tub at the local community center as I bought a pass to do that due to arthritis. I been working six days in a row and it was time to go soak in the tub there. Its even mentioned in the chat as I brought this up as to why I have my things ready with in my car. Instead they connected it to their fake story, I even provided proof that its for arthritis but again the court ignored the facts and medical reports. I know eight indivduals that seen me there or know what I take.

Other facts about Haltons police. They will avoid public places with people (big give away) around so they are not spotted and you cant make identification easy. Halton favorite thing is using parks that are isolated or homes to lure individuals over for identification or arrest. But Halton also likes to avoid telling the public why they using this as part of keeping the community ignorant to cover their tracks. They refused to release this information to the public when asked.

Lets write fake reviews too

We know individuals are out there getting paid to write fake reviews of products to raise the awareness of the product. The police also do a similar thing; they will make comments in comment sections on local papers after the story is posted. Seriously Mr. Hubert and your buddies really have to do that? I seen them do this in the local Halton paper. For example saying we should trust the police or cooperate with them. I seen them do it with added false statements. Have not we heard this before? I truly feel bad about some of the nice and helpful officers as this ruins it for them.

To reiterate this I already approximated their location on Bronte and QEW as this is one of their police station locations this was 12 miles away from me, they also provided information being on Bronte road on June 26. I was able to do a Google map location from my computer with help from Grindr. I had to triangulate their location when I went on a visit out of the country as the device updates their prior location based on my location. Eventually they move their investigation device to 95 Oak Walk Drive in Oakville (This is 8 miles away), Ontario, where their ICE unit is stationed.This was done through location data, observations and application knowledge. However later the court used the old after the fact to ignore I caught Halton targeting me and the LGBT community.

Not doing their duty

However we can trust the old saying when speaking to the police, You hear but your not listen as they where told over and over what they are doing. Its best to put some anchor points in your police statement as proof that you know what they are doing. However most people overlook it. The police will not stop when it gives them the right t also deny you when you tell them your done. They will still make suggestive comments or make scenario up to avoid these issues. The police really do not realize thats not what really going on, since they dont know how to listen from the outside looking in. People in general become deaf due to their own thinking. This happens to me sometimes and I will admit it. In this case not at all, but we should do research and learn some techniques.

I strongly recommend the public review this information. While most people can avoid issues with predatory police one should be aware of their interrogation techniques as you have no control over police behaviors or anyone else. Such as perception of a situation, some will see something totally opposite of what going on and do a self-fulfilling prophecy.I seen this happen many times from jobs that I worked in, as this becomes very disturbing. People who do this can be very dangerous as words can do much more harm. We know that verbal abuse can do serious damage to a person, especially children. It is very difficult to stop a false story once someone convinces others of a situation true or not, as many people do not check facts. Most people call it the rumor mill.

The definition from Britannica online of what a Self-fulfilling prophecy,

Process through which an originally false expectation leads to its own confirmation. In a self-fulfilling prophecy an individual’s expectations about another person or entity eventually result in the other person or entity acting in ways that confirm the expectations.

Please read

False statements and giving up

One of the sad facts that people do not realize that people are being manipulated into a false confessing; often they are being manipulated or just want to end the conversation due to being upset, agitated, anxiety or another issue. At this point most people are falsely convicted of a crime because of this, the public should be aware of this information can be found online but the damage is done. Key word search:false confession, police interrogator techniques and related terms. Some examples below. I already told Hubert you should do this, you need training and so forth. I finally got sick of his crap and played with him after he would not listen. You can see it on my face. When someone tells you they are 50 and you know they are faking it, its best to listen up and think why. Frustration, anger, annoyed, breach of trust you might look at those words when you do that.

The media as a tool

Next comes the media as mentioned earlier, Halton and most police will use the media as a tool, and the media always falls for this one all the time. Some journalist looking to get points by quickly rush to pass information around with out checking facts. Halton will release altered information or make statements such as we believe there are other children involved in a recent case of an Asian man. What they are actually saying is that they have no one but want someone to come forward to bolster their investigation simply because they might include where the type of worked and so forth. This is part of the scam to help the police but in most cases there is no one, but they have hope someone will say something.At this point anyone coming forward with face the coaching techniques to get false claims out of people or children, even though sometimes the statements are true.I also seen them release false information with regard to me, Halton likes to make it look like it was real children, but in reality it was fake. I already seen other media journalists start changing the story form child to children even though their was no child to begin with in the first case. Sadly Halton bought their own story, which is far from the truth whats really going on. Even after they still are not aware that I was continuing to investigate them.

Again I found a large issue with police is the fact they do not check their own facts that they are putting out or what they are getting back from calls. For instance I used an unverified statement from Wikipedia which was false to keep them talking while I gather evidence. What librarians are taught is to tell students that you never use this website in research papers as reference. Text can be manipulated easily and in this case had no references along with not being peer reviewed within the field. The references below page can be researched but again cautions is needed. Also look at the content of the page if there is any bias statements that have no proof. The one I provided to the officer was so way off but the officer believed it because it is online. It odd that this page was read back to me and he highlighted a word; not realizing it is a roll play and it was incorrect. This is why we have to research before making conclusions.

I checked every fact that they mentioned especially the important ones. Make sure you do research on fact and not use your personal opinions and biased information. They also love use this statement is not convicted unless a court find them or related terms. However it is too late as the public falls for this all the time because we have been feed that the police should be trusted based on media reports or TV shows. People will assume the story is true and a conviction even after a not guilty. Sadly the courts normally find the police the heros, which is not the case.

I strongly again advise the public to do research on how we are being manipulated by police, religion, politicians and other that make up fake facts. I call this Trumpism.

Educate yourselves…

Educating yourself it the best advantage of protecting yourselves from scams as it happens way too often. It is also the best way to protect children with educational programs, including having your child go through the whole Ontario sex education curriculum. Sadly students are not getting information because it does contain information on LGBT individuals and how to treat other families the same. But due to prejudice this is preventing them from learning. Individuals who deny children education based on prejudices is very sad to me. I personally was saddened when I seen a group I knew boycott this type of instruction. I was personally hurt because I knew them for a long time and did my best to take care of them. They had no idea of who I was as a person, sadly I had to listen to one individual that I took great care of that told me being gay was a bad word. Och.

That is what the Halton ICE unit should do; educate themselves instead of hurting others and put out education programs. What people do not realize is the damage that can be done to youth carries into adulthood depending on the situation. Most people are not out there to hurt anyone but situations arise due to issues and not due to taking advantage of situations. Each person has been affected by personal upbringing and shaped by events in life. Depending on the person this can led to many other issues that cannot simple be seen in the open.

Other police behaviors…

Other unethical police behaviors include mislabeling evidence, not taking picture of so called evidence but make claims that they belong to a story that they are creating. Creating false stories based on their perception of a situation is convenient for them and can be very dangerous. They will also Alter images; tamper with text chat (hence why they direct you to a text app to begin with). Manipulation of a target by deceit and try to get you to believe what they are saying is common theme. This is why everyone should do some research on this subject to try to counter it. The police will also use the court to hide who they are by putting public protection in place to make the public believe a real person is involved but its mostly the police are just running a scams.

Police will go through any lengths to make themselves look good, a simple example as I stated would be watch police TV shows. Many individuals in the public will have many stories about police abuses from something simple as being issued a ticket to some very serious behaviors. However most of those stories are never told as a citizen who can be threatened or harmed by police. There is no way to bring it out into the open. The police will even harm one of their own officers with abuse if they do not cover up bad behavior. But this is all hidden for the fear of losing their own job.

So we also need to look at some police behaviors that individual who joins police force are engaged in. There should be psychological screening for individuals to root out extremism, racism, homophobia, aggression, self-righteousness, lying and other dangerous behaviors. These types of behaviors ruin it for officers that actually are trying to help out. Some officers and others will go so far as to coach children and adults to say false information about individuals, as this is part of question techniques to create false memories. This has happen more often than not. Then they will come around and deny they are doing this, but we know.

During my lifetime I was told two things, from various officers quote We can do anything we want to you un quote (and they can) and quot dont tell me what to do unquote when I informed an officer about a serious child safety issue. This profession is highly unregulated compared to doctors, dentists and other professionals. Police have investigations units by other fellow officers. They run investigations on themselves, which normally is to protect their own officer. In most cases you see the results of these investigations where police are rarely charged, or fired.

So during my investigation one officer name Ursula Clayton came up with a scam to target LGBT individuals based on a dating scam and other officers engaged in this. What is hurtful is the fact their supervisors might have granting permission to do this. These officers did not think of the consequences of their actions or even consider that they will be caught by someone who is offended by this behavior regardless of what the police think this is not acceptable behavior. Your own troubled past is not a reason to go after people that are just looking to chat or be who they are.

Other individuals such as Andrew Hubert, Mayfield and others do not understand that they are hurting people because of recklessness and short sightedness due to very little knowledge about communities that they abusing. Halton now claims to want to bring trust to minority communities by appointing a token female LGBT officer who might represent the community. But how can they bring trust if they are running unethical campaigns against the ones they want to bring trust? So by consistently targeting a community with some type of scam is going to win points? Their was no issue to begin with, while I am not perfect I had no interest as it was mentioned early and again at the end.

Halton does not look at their own behavior of their officers for examplepolice chief left the country during Covid but was allowed to keep his job, however politicians did they same thing they where forced to resign. You cannot have two different standards for police and the rest of society.This Includes recently an officer in Toronto was steeling drug evident from police lockers to support his habit and was given a free pass while general public would be arrested and charged, this needs to stop.

If anything the police should be putting up information on laws and how they are applied and give examples on websites or links as this is part of their job.The whole law enforcement system is designed to keep you ignorant of rules and regulation until a possible mistake or a belief of a problem happens or worse. Sadly the courts promote this behavior, as they cannot see other options or the abuses of what police are doing. We hear this often from courts ignorance of the law is not a defense, however that has to be taken into account. Remember prosecutors know how to use and miss use laws that a general person is not aware of.

For instance in Hamilton a little scams such as waiting to give out tickets to truck drivers that drive in areas where no rules are posted, but the officer is carrying maps and waiting in those areas. That is bad behavior since they are aware of the rules and wait to see people breaking them with out knowledge. Most of the people who create laws have very little knowledge of the subject they want to legislate and only seek one side when creating laws.I Do not you think lawmakers do investigations of other possibilities or possible consequences of laws they create to protect all sides? NO!

Public speak up…

So I call on the public to contact your local media outlet and tell true stories of police abuse in specifically in Halton so they can be investigated, as they cannot watch themselves. If you experienced verbal, physical, racial, religious, homophobic abuse or tampering, threats of any kind let the public know. Police need to be held responsible for their actions like other professions and should not get away with abuse as in this situation.

The public should push for independent monitoring bodies and have the right to fire and remove officers. These units should have no connection to police or courts and must be fully trained into monitoring police along with listening to complaints from the public. We need to keep an eye on special police units as misbehaver is easily created due to a lack of oversight. In this case I believe the officers that are doing constant scamming the LGBT community should be fired and charged with human rights violations along with financial compensation. Unfortunately when you fight them it drains all your finances and those that helped. If your successful in your fight, you end up being broke and suffer from things they did as I am now

I will post more as time goes on, or hope to as we should expose this.

Scam names on Grindr and KIK that police use. There is also a strong possibility they are using Snapchat and other platforms. NOTE: the letter Y is not always showing up after this point.

Here are some of the current usernames that they have used, due to limited restriction I found only these. Be aware at anytime they can make new ones.

Some of the Usernames on Grindr:

Younghorn(y) 18

Yungload 18

Yngandcurious 18

Young Curious 18

Son(2 eyes)4dad 18

Young and curious no age

They will just put 18 in profile but no username; they will erase the 18 when they get a bite, this is part of entrapment that is recognized by other courts. Even before the next segment coming up I know this will be ignored or white washed over (In 2021).

You can see a pattern here with them using various forms of younger. The problem is on this app its used for people 18+ and its normal

Use no photos or stolen photos from the Internet

Key words they use

Gaymer, looking, seeking, looking for 40 to 60 year old, or other odd age statements or luring comments.

You get the general idea what they are doing, trying to entrap people

KIK names

Clay Thomas
Yimhrny13alldatime (obvious adult user name)

Jake Thomas
Jaystud 92

They are also using Snap chat by listening to statements from one officer.

Further References

Photos of them as I succeeded in the end but now have to fight them.

Description: k:Users:ralphski 1:Documents:Clayton.png

Ursula Clayton – Story maker, Homophobe and evidence faker

Description: k:Users:ralphski 1:Documents:mayfield.png

Mayfield – Multi mistakes and caught walking out from the path

Description: k:Users:ralphski 1:Documents:officer.png

One of the partners

Description: k:Users:ralphski 1:Documents:Hubert.png

Andrew Hubert – Scam artist, manipulator and evidence tamper

A full investigation should be conducted on them by the federal government.


Image search tools

Check online school calendars
Check online organizations that run these scams e.g. Police, vigilante organizations
Call and check information, read how they work.

Catfish information


Protect yourself and your community– get evidence and stop being a target

As of May 2021

I just found out today that Halton courts are basically a Kangaroo court and Judge ignored all my evidence in exposing these predatory officers and did the opposite ruling to support them like always. This is why they keep getting away with doing what ever they want. Judge Cooper claimed everything was after the fact, map locations; text chats in the beginning is not after the fact.

Things he ignored: Questioning why they are hiding themselves and not providing a photo. Tampered photo, school bus photo not from Ontario, location maps, ignoring the fact that I spotted the officer and their partner, then seeing them come back, ignored catching them lying about graduation dates and an amusement park. Ignored my statements, ignored medical issues and documents, ignored looking at proof. Did no research on issues to confirm what I am saying. Made up some false item that wasn’t even there. I will protect myself from false perceptions what ever it takes, I had no worries since I had proof of who I was talking with and I am not going to tolerate this from anyone and I do not care who you are.

Summarization so far

Summarizing what I have seen so far. When looking for a lawyer I found most lawyers told me that there is a problem within Halton with the way they do justice there.

Halton seems to have judges that are not there to be fair and impartial listening to people stories on both sides before making a decision. From what I have seen this court is very partial to law enforcement and not able to discern the differences between two different stories or even want too. I have watched and listen and focused on what was going on during my so call trial. During the Crowns introduction I watch the judges face showing discriminatory belief right off the bat. This court seems like they are in an alternate reality from what is actually going on. I will not walk away from anyone targeting me, specially the police. I personally do not like this profession, especially when you have to make fake stories up and lie and get away with things no one else can do. Then have your buddies back up your fake stories.

While the judge did say have not made a decision yet; I can see it on his face that he did. While both defense and Crown where out of the chat room he told his technical staff he already made his decision. Eventually this judge did not do his research and claimed everything was after the fact to avoid saying not guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. I made sure I had the reasonable evidence beyond a reasonable doubt, which was ignored. This judge ignored the fact it is a location-based application where you can see me watching them as I try to figure out their location, which I did twice. They ignored the fact what the significance of 12 and 8 miles away from my location means. This is where both of Halton has 2 of 4 police stations are located within this area. As I wrote before the officers believe they are the word police, but now they are the thinking police. The court/police have no right to tell me what I am thinking or doing based on their belief system. I even refuted this nonsense but since they are pro police my statements went from one ear out of the other. I will say it again, I waited until I conformation to what I already believed with regard to who is targeting me before I started to try to expose them, this is part of my investigation on who is behind this scam. I been catfished in the past so I know how to give it back. After July 3rd the officer should of realized that I already knew as I was giving them hints like crazy. After the arrest they should of knew even further that I was doing the same thing they where doing to me by lying. I heard them shocked (by their statement) in the other room while they went through my things with out a warrant yet.

I also had to listen insults by the Crown pushing their story of what is going on from their perspective, sorry Eastwood its not. It became so silly I even had to laugh, and that is the problem of not observing. What gave the officer away is the fact they act like adults with dirty thoughts, I know real one do not act like that and that is the reason why I waited for evidence. The only way is by listening and training. Officer Hubert thinks everyone looks at porn lol, I did not know what that was until my early thirties (go ahead and laugh, but that is what happened. Thanks religion grrrr). Oh by the way Hubert your lol thing gives you away. This judge and the Crown cannot grasp why things changed on July 3 but ignored my testimony and chat statements that I am a identifying adult. But instead claimed I was identified by one of the officers as a replacement statement, that clearly shows favoritism of the police, since this event was so obvious. This also included the arrest statements confirming that I am dealing with adults, this is also was being ignored.

The people I dealt with do not have the ability to think outside the box. If you research law enforcement behavior is all about control and force their lifestyle on others. This court and police dismiss the fact that you can lose your job just because of your sexual orientation. I seen homophobic activity in all my jobs in Canada, only difference here is you hide it compared to my home country where they can use their religion to discriminate. I carefully observed everything that was going on with the statements being made. I watched and learned how everything was being manipulated for the police in court situations. This almost sounds like I am writing about paranoia but I am not, I have seen this kind of behavior in other situations before.

Watching the whole proceeding I only had probably about 15 minutes of my own time to speak on my defense and about 10 minutes trying to explain to the Crown questioning what is fact and not. I watched her (Crown) put a big smirk on her face as she thinks she is winning. I became angry at her because she touched on subjects where I know the text chat was deleted and edited to promote their position. I will admit I do not do very good at questioning as I am unable tell my full story, but its all about bits and pieces. You cannot explain what you know and seeing in this way.

You can compare this activity to a religious person, picking a couple scriptures from here and there within the Bible to create a story by paraphrasing it, this is what everyone is doing as I watched. I watched people adding their opinion as fact and making it as fact. I watched the difficulties with technology equipment not functioning, slow web, and other technology related issues taking up a lot of time as it wasted a lot of my personal and others money try to help me with something they are creating. Halton should pay for all of the legal fees and damage since they created the situation that would not existed if they followed rules. I also watch the judge ignore my explanation to my personal items instead the Crown connected four different situations as one at the end. They ignored how I was able to detect I was being targeted as law enforcement like to play games to win.

I watched the Crown manipulate some of my statements, a few minor searches from an information website and create another version of the facts. This NOT my story this is their story and they are Forcing on me, which is not going to happen. Instead of listening how I was able to identify them at the first park the Judge ignores this and my writings and tells me this is after the fact. They are the ones making statements after the fact by telling me what I am doing when I said nothing of the sort.

They are covering up the fact that I verified who they where and I am dealing with adults. The judge also ignored the facts that I am advanced with photography as I learned the hard way. I was able to see things that are manipulated but no one cares, ignorant or just want to make themselves look good. Statements from Hubert confirmed everything I was saying with regard to evidence that I submitted. The Crown did not bring in any professionals with regard to what I am saying because it will match what I been saying all along as true.

They ignored the fact I was tracking them as this is part of the application features. The judge ignored my research and behavioral patterns that I wrote about. The Crown brought up standard behaviors that a layman would see. However they do not know I was asking more complex behaviors that the officer was not aware of (This also includes the court aka Judge Cooper). However years of experience and learning is the only way someone can really tell what is going on. I had been trained on Internet safety so I was aware of what they where doing even before identification. I find it sickening that simply saying hi to a vague profile (that looks normal) can get you being investigated and targeted. I also made it clear I was not on app for sexual situations but looking for chat, this was ignored. Being abused was ignored from Andrew Hubert as he apologized bring up something that has bothered me but later after months of waiting he deleted this by using cut and pasting chat files, as he was already caught editing meta data out of image files and admitted it in court.

He also lied by claiming he took something from me, which I specifically left home in case this backfired. I watched them just pick a few searches from information sites as a justification for this decision but ignored my research on looking for vigilante and police targeting campaigns. The Crown took items that had all explanations to why I had it with me and created a story, when everything was designed for the rest of the day events. I had planned getting them on video or photographed, as it was so important for me. For some odd reason they are ignoring the fact I am talking with adults as they where identified as fake from the beginning, fake on July 3rd as I verified them. They ignored the July 12 evidence of tampering that would that only and adult would do. Ignored the fact Hubert had no clue of what was going on, ignored the fact I kept saying you over and over in a conversation I had with Hubert. They ignored the fact I was telling them crap after July 3rd with out them doing any research.

I will continue to fight but if I fail due to cost or crazy behavior of law enforcement, I will have no choice but to go into safe mode. This might bring more problems but hopefully someone will finally listen to what I been saying for years. Even if this brings more scorn on me from others that do not know the suffering I carry. What really is amazing to me is the fact my investigation identification and gathering evidence of what going on is turned around on me, I still can not get over this as I have no guilt at all and they cannot understand this. As I said I have no control over other peoples perception or assumptions and I should not have to as they should be asking.

Next I will be posting a time line and some chat images. I will make it clear to who ever reads this... I will NOT be punished for another person’s perception or belief and will not except being targeted for who I am. Never ever again!


In the last few months I been trying to get someone to write about what Halton ICE unit been doing, basically targeting the gay community and running a scam that I cracked. So far I contacted at least 5 writers from the Toronto Star, a few from CBC, One prominent editor of a major gay newspaper in Philadelphia, I contacted CNN news show with Anderson Cooper, The advocate online, one female advocate for the Gay community in Hamilton, Ontario, Pride Toronto, and a few local media reporters. Only one seems interested in “outing” Hamilton police. But they are interested in me and not the problem; that these officers are running a scam looking to make people victims by using techniques. Hopefully I can find someone to listen to my side of what I was observing.

Here is a bit of nonsense I have to listen to from the Crown (Eastwood) where I had to laugh. If someone makes a claim you want proof they are what they say they are and asking for a simple picture is normal behavior. If you have the ability like I have and the background training you will do a reverse picture search, look at the meta data and ask other questions they should know will give you an idea if they are fake or real. They gave a false story with regard to school which I knew was false and I know they where hiding something because an actual age based person would be able to answer why no Vice Principal or Principal was involved and making statements that the Whole grade knew and the police came into a class with the use of Snapchat. There are protocols to protect groups due to privacy issues. You also need to know about the application SnapChat (I will cover this later in applications) as the reason why a “friend” was supposedly caught sending “not appropriate” photo but then saying it wasn’t.

Hubert claimed he was uncomfortable to send a real photo, that’s how you get caught in your lies. I asked multiply times to provide one or even with out their head showing multiply times. Of course it was ignored until much later where I was able to catch the evidence beyond a reasonable doubt (meta data removal) but of course we have a court that ignores the true facts. So during the Crowns counter argument they said I asked for a picture to “to look at their body”, is she serious. This is what I talk about making up personal opinions and making them facts. I don’t know anyone who would think they don’t want proof of a claim they where making.

Part of the scam is to do character assassination, they make you look like the bad guy but in reality they are, but this message is being filtered out. Religious people use terms like “that’s my belief”, or “god said it” to get away with discrimination. Police also used terms to get away with behaviors that are not professional as we are told to trust them. The court already knows I don’t like the police due to their behaviors in my experiences with them over my lifetime, I seen them lie and manipulation situations. I am not one that goes for looking for trouble or even have that kind of motives in general, however I have reported things and basically was ignored.

I was also told way after the fact (since no one tells you about these organizations) that I can file a Human rights complaint with Ontario (did) and with an independent group in Ontario that reviews police behavior (OIPRD). Well I have gotten my reply from OIPRD after complaining they are targeting a community and me. From what I read OIPID is basically useless organization and don’t want to “interfere” in “an “investigation” that should of never taken place. Who gives anyone the right to investigate anyone due to wording or not even doing anything wrong to begin with. They cannot grasp that they had no reason to do an investigation targeting gay people; they had no reason to play with me either as I already told them what they wanted in the beginning and telling them I have identified them. First this came from a blank profile, then in the actual chat after THEY made meeting arrangements. I wrote back to OIPID that if I was black or a Muslim they would promptly take up what is going on as this is more important that being LGTB in Canada.

Two other facts that are of interest one especially for LGBT community. This judge, Crown and officers don’t believe that you can get fired for your sexual orientation. They believe that you are protected at least in Canada, but this is not true especially if you work in certain fields due to the sensitive nature of your job. What people normally do is to find another reason to get ride of you but you can sense what its really about.

Secondly Its odd that the officer(s) was believing their perception was true even after I was giving them big hints that I knew and its not true, especially after I identified them as the culprit behind targeting the LGBT community and me. Even when they had me in custody and listening to the shock of what I did for work they should of realized they where the ones being duped. They can dish it out but they cant take it back, funny how I was never asked if I thought they where a fake. Due to my experience and training I was able to get them to revel some information as they where also trying but in a lot of places the officers failed. That’s why they have to tamper with the text chats to make them selves look good.

During my investigation I went to the website of certain Halton school board schools and looked for information with regards to Halton police. They have a document that tells parents about statistics but again does not show where they the police get this information. A lot of the information to parents is misleading, as Halton also do not provide any training videos. I submitted documentation to the court that I was trained to detect and protect individuals from what they think is going on here. This is part on how I knew what they where doing. The sad thing was my training had some serious homophobic ideas incorporated into the training video that was produced by the police, students and educators.

I also noticed as the trial went on that the Crown was going back to the officers telling them what they can charge people with as they tried with three charges before as another case this officer Hubert is involved. They also now used fake photos in their scams since two of them are doing it. One of their scam profiles they used a yearbook photo from an elementary school, one picture of them when they where young and one from the Internet that I was able to trace and know where they went they got that picture, now I know where they are hanging out.

I have to write some more about the last court date. I am sorry for not updating more information due to flashbacks and suffering. First everyone should know that they put a publication ban immediately when I was released. This is not to protect you but to hide what they are doing. At this point I have not showed the actual evidence because of it. This time the focus was on the horrific behaviors of these officers. So far everyone involved in attaching me with fraud, slander and forcing their will on me based on a faulty belief system of dirty thinking. They keep looking outside in and not inside out of the situation. They cannot see that I am under attack for no reason as I investigate this, as this is not the first time. I turned to online because if no one knows about this and it will happen again and again and they will hurt many more people. The problem is the subject mater and ignoring any research to understand what is going on here, it’s a great way to get away with abuse. I also filed a Human Rights abuse claim, watch it go no where like my other police abuse claim. At least the court knows now I did this. I see them trying to harm me every which way and I am tired and angry. I tried to explain what’s going on but I hear “that’s after the fact” from an old guy. Fuck off.

NEW Stuff December 2021

When individual rights are protected so long they don’t conflict with the state your fine. When it does and they try to hurt people, then you have a dangerous government as in what I am seeing here. They are looking but not seeing. The “justice” system keeps looking to make trouble due to their prejudices. I see that I am under attack and this is about them not me. The legal system that I am dealing with has made many misconstruing beliefs within this situation. They made some very serious assumptions based on the way they live and not on what I am seeing. They have no knowledge of being gay, bi or how it affects you later in life.

I posted an article from Florida of an investigation of officers who are doing the same type of behavior. The article is called bending the rules and talks about how they are manipulating people who are not looking for underage into getting them to break rules by using unethical techniques to keep their arrest numbers up. Basically they are hiding behind virtual testing of people for no real reason but to get their arrest numbers up. This article can be searched or read the link I have. What is a big paradox is the simple fact they call it a justice system and correctional facility. Its anything but that.

The focus as been on Halton’s policing behavior. First they had no evidence what so ever to investigate LGB people but decided to “find targets”. There is a long history of abuse of LGB people from the police. Secondly they deliberately put sexually suggestive profiles on line and stating they are legal. They basically coach you into saying sexually remarks by constantly bombarding you with sexual themes, alcohol and other vises and this is unethical. They had no reason to suspect I was trying to lure anyone as I was not, but they where. The court and the Crown do not know they messaged me with a blank profile asking before hand after I tapped on what I thought was a legal profile following the rules. I replied correctly as I have no interest as I said “I get nothing out of this” based on Hubert’s statement towards the end. The big elephant in the room is that they picked to target LGB people for no reason and I had to listen to sexually explicit and other comments from their officer. They have a problem with the ending but they do not understand I got sick of it and gave it back to him at the end, but I made sure they where adults.

In the beginning I was bombarded twice with sexual statements (one he deleted) and alcohol, which I ignored right in the beginning as I had no interest for this. I kept my conversation friendly talking about food and friends as I made it clear I was not there for xxx. No one seems to realize I am running my own investigation as they could not answer basic questions, making statements “ I bet 60 year olds say they are 40” which shows advanced knowledge. The way they introduced themselves and the language they are using along with one particular photo and refusal to provide proof of who they are. Serious sign of catfishing, later in another investigation I conducted he using his own photo, a year book photo and a web photo that I seen before and doing the same behavior. I investigated everything from locations to pictures and claims as I do that to avoid harming any real one. I used a theme from work and it did have some truth to it as I try to help people.

They where aware that I knew they where in Oakville and watching their profile move around, which I used to triangle their location and then later a process of elimination to verify their new location. I provided this evidence and it was ignored. They arranged the park meetings to identify me and I was aware of it based on my observations (more information is below) and I verified them and told them so. He continued to bombard me with sexual innuendos such as masturbation, anal sex (go figure a favorite topic of anti gay people), outing gay people, deployment and alcohol. I gave him true abuse which he recognized and apologized and stated he will not bring it up again (this was deleted to avoid showing he taking advantage of the situation), then he goes on and does it 10 more times pushing. I also gave him crap which he still didn’t realize even after arrest, I am the only one that knows what true.

I told him about loss and how it affected me, again he used friendship as a means of manipulation and that’s emotions. The Crown thinks that drugs or alcohol abuse is the only way to justify police abuse. Hubert employed a lot of pressure that abusive trying to entrapping gay people just to make themselves look good. By the way I followed the local media and strangely someone wrote, “we should trust the police” no you should never trust them as this was high probably they wrote this.

I been slandered, insulted, telling me “my thoughts”, prejudicial comments, watching facial expression, ignoring evidence, faced abuse by them, outing me, watching editing photos and tampering of chat to make their story more real to twist it towards them, and it goes on and on. If you come into the situation thinking dirty then you will only see dirty. Hubert stated that everyone looks at porn when I brought up an easier browser due to his thinking. It had nothing to do with porn; actually I had no idea of what porn was until 33ish. Yes you can laugh at me, but that what religion did. Any thing I seen nude came from library and mall photography books and art books. That’s how I seen everything through my eyes.

Secondly I want to direct this to the Canadian government in Ottawa and then the police training in Ottawa. You (Ottawa) are giving funding to officers to take programs to “train” them under the guise of protecting society. You (Ottawa) really need to re-evaluate this, because these officers are becoming more and more abusive behaviors and learning how to use their positions in the wrong way basically violating a breach of trust. Sometimes you think your doing good and passing laws for that purpose but in reality your doing more harm by the appalling behavior of your “students”. Here is an example:

This should also be mentioned to other governments in particular to England and the United States. I mention these counties because you claim to support human rights, but you violated them left and right on a slue of subjects, just like Canada. You try to hide behind public safety but they are committing massive abuse of many people and refuse to recognize it. There is a religion saying from any version of a “Christian” bible in Matthew 7:5 (New King James Version) Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.” Meaning is obvious and also goes for the officers in Halton who do this nonsense.

Secondly, I direct this to the police academy in Ottawa that does police training, in particular to the teacher of the advanced course that he was taking. Teaching is like the medical profession in the sense there is an unwritten rule that you do no harm to anyone. Education is about helping the individual to better himself or herself by protecting themselves, you’re teaching is poor. When you tell your students to go out and lure (target) someone for no reason and give him or her points for doing this is despicable and disgusting.

He made many serious wrong assumptions that are deadly. I gave him the opportunity to prove what he was saying is true many times, but you cannot teach behaviors that are hidden. You need to teach your students when to stop, he was aware of my suffering I faced and loss. I counted it 10 times he pushed it and erases his apology in text chat 8ish months later. It’s sad that you instruct your students to taking advantage of a person’s pain and suffering.

Your organization and others have been promoting that kindness, friendship as something that should be suspicious and must have sexual motivation behind it when that’s not true. Your student opened some old wounds that he should have touched and should have backed off as I was making no effort to turn this into something YOUR student wanted. I had been trained from people in your field but I also been trained in a field that trying to help people and that’s what I do. I heard so many things in my years that I could write a book about it, but I am not a English major and I have so much to revel.

The Crown thinks that sitting quietly on an app is ok, but your using age of 18 and having a sexual profile on a sexual app, some of the names are listed above. Your officer admitted his goal was to make it sexual and he though pattern was like that all the way to the end and this includes the Crown and Judge. I been insulted and accused of nonsense because “you” (everyone I came in contact with) think like this, not because I think like this and your all blinded by your thought pattern. I can compare it to talking to obsessive religious, political or an extreme group. YOU can’t see what is in front of you or YOUR behaviors, but focus on me. YOU did a publication ban and the truth is all there, that you where the ones that arranged the meetings, sexual remarks and the booze, not me. I gave you hints all over the place but you cannot see it because you are predatory police.

Your officer had an opportunity to put a clear statement in the profile to narrow down your goal, but didn’t on purpose. Anyone who make these kinds of profile deliberately to do “virtual testing” just to find people and push it is disgusting and it should be banned. It was clear there was no suspicion from me doing anything wrong and I was not looking for anyone. The Crown made it clear they where not the one saying hi first (but actually you did ask first), however your making it clear that’s what you want to happen, because no one does this on purpose unless they have a bad motivation to do so. Your officer is also hiding the fact they used a blank profile to question me after I taped on a profile. I believed you where following the rules of Grindr/KIK but you where not. Your online to create crime when none would of existed, and let me make it clear… I caught you but you used manipulation to turn it around on me.

They claim that I ignored them repeating the “age” of their fake profile, that’s simply because real one would do that. I used my training, knowledge, and personal experiences to sniff out someone who is targeting me and my community and it was not based on assumption on a “feeling or guess” like Hubert did. I researched everything (from medical to information websites) and you used that against me. Your story line does not add up and putting things together that have no reason to be together as it is harmful. Again everyone who I had contact with (Crown, Judge, officers, lawyer) don’t understand that they’re unique behaviors of each age group and this is not teachable.

Some people ask why didn’t I just walk away after the first park when I verified who they where. Simply because they opened “Pandora’s box” as I suffered for me and they triggered my PTSD that’s been very traumatic. This took me many years to bury it. In the mean time Hubert though it was about “the person cancelled the meeting” from his perception. So why would I tell you “I seen you” because of you’re clothing and tell you where I am sitting watching? In my life I had to deal with verbal, physical, emotional and sexually misuse and handled it on my own and you’re is part of the abuse. They should watch the TV show “Glee” to get a basic understand of what LGB people go through and the struggles as it effects you as an adult. Try learning about what conversion therapy is and how religion does harm. The way all of you behave is like the Star Trek Voyager episode “Retrospect” but you never apologize.

Being a shy quiet kid it made me a target, then throw in a religion (lawyer said Catholic, that would have been easier if I was, it was way worse) and learning difficulties along with other factors such as extreme isolation and emptiness. Nothing is worse then being forced to admit things that are not true because of other people’s assumptions, I have no control over perceptions if your mind is in the wrong place. I heard more anti gay remarks at work from staff and those I cared for and that includes my friends (in Canada) then everywhere else I been, you just know how to hide it better. Hubert wouldn’t stop even with hints and I gave it back to him after I finally got evidence beyond doubt that you where not what you claimed. I already knew your location before you arrange the first meeting. I see you where trying to hurt me as I avoided your behavior and now I am suffering because of your abuse.

There is an old saying, “stick and stones can break my bones but name will never harm me”. They should change the ending to “names will always harm you”. Simply because you will start believe things that are not true. This leads to emotional abuse, which I personally think is the worsted out of all four.

I could not let Halton do this to me or anyone else, especially targeting gay community, that was just too much. I needed my evident to prove what your doing. This is also about what goes around comes around.

Guys in blue have a long history targeting the gay community in so many hidden ways but keep finding new ways to do this by hiding under “public safety”. My question in the beginning was who and why. They proved real fast they where not who they where, but I kept it friendly while I’m using location data to pinpoint them. I didn’t give Hubert what he wanted and ignored his conduct. Because of this, he started grooming and he did push very hard to accomplish is goal, however he still cannot understand how I knew he was fake. What’s more irritation is the fact he used the chat to exploit my suffering and loss after I clearly made it known. The judge did get one thing right; I don’t care much for police because I know they get away with so much and hide it. I will never forget “we can do anything we want to you”

Now I am financially broke, worn out trying to fight what I see is unfairness, disgust and helplessness that’s why I turned to online since no one is listening. I didn’t feel safe from where I came from, and now I don’t in Canada. What is even more disturbing the Crown is trying to justify this, but do they know all the tricks their officers are doing. No one ever looks at the long-term affects of what they are doing, and its very bad.

While I am not perfect, I dedicated myself for years trying to help others but only been targeted by other peoples perceptions, assumptions and Self-Fulfilling prophecy of their nasty thinking. I might think different from most of you who are reading this. I don’t go out and hurt people regardless of what you believe or want to believe or read. In my chat I had a lot of hidden meanings that none of them cannot see this, simply because your minds are blocked by obsession to this subject and you’re serious lack of training. I have never seen any Justice from any Justice system to protect me. When will I ever get it?

One more thing on a positive side the Canadian MPs voted to ban conversion therapy, while it helps, the problem still lies with religion as they continue to teach and reject LGB kids and adults. This is where I learned to hate myself and feel shame. I already saw this in Canada. I had someone I cared about very much come up to me and tell me quietly they cannot say bad words. I told them they shouldn’t say bad words. I asked them out of curiosity what letter did it start with. They said G. I had a confused look on my face and asked if they can give me another letter. Then they said Y. They saw me being confused and then whispered to me “gay”. I told them that was not a bad word, but I can see its coming from his religion. I felt very sad as they had no idea who they where speaking with was one, but I still cared for them.

I close with the following: Those who I had contact with and took care of, I hope that I left you with something helpful to make your life better in the future and those from the past, goodbye.

I will see tomorrow if someone wakes up.